Fiji’s Truth Commission: Should History’s Wounds Be Reopened?

Surendra Lal, a well-known figure from Labasa, advocates for the proposed Fiji Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) to also examine issues from the era of indentured labor. According to Mr. Lal, this period marked the arrival of Indian workers in Fiji who endured difficult conditions while laboring on sugar plantations. He expressed concern that these individuals may not have received the justice they deserved due to their treatment.

Sashi Kiran, chairperson of the commission’s steering committee, responded by noting that many individuals who experienced this period have since passed away. She highlighted that any investigation into the indentured labor era would require looking back approximately 140 years. Kiran emphasized that the primary focus of the commission is to address issues arising from events that occurred after 1987.

She remarked that the events of 1987 continue to weigh heavily on people’s minds, and the complete truth of what transpired remains unclear. Additionally, Kiran acknowledged that a significant challenge for the commission is addressing the historical injustices that have inflicted lasting damage on Fijian society.

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