Fiji’s Truth Commission: A Journey into the Past?

Surendra Lal, a well-known figure from Labasa, has expressed his opinion that the forthcoming Fiji Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) should delve into matters related to the indentured laborer period. He pointed out that this period marked the arrival of Indian laborers who endured difficult working conditions on Fiji’s sugar plantations.

Lal noted that these laborers may not have received the justice they deserved due to their treatment during that time. However, Sashi Kiran, chairperson of the commission’s steering committee, countered that many individuals who experienced this era have passed away.

Kiran emphasized that investigating the indentured laborer period would require looking back approximately 140 years. She clarified that the main focus of the commission is to address issues from events that occurred from 1987 onwards.

“The events of 1987 continue to linger in people’s minds, and we still lack a complete understanding of what transpired,” Kiran remarked. She acknowledged that tackling historical injustices is a significant challenge for the commission, given the deep-rooted impact such injustices have had on Fijian society.

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