Fiji’s Social Media: A Dangerous Playground for Women and Gays

Social media in Fiji presents significant challenges, particularly for women and the LGBTQ+ community, marked by cruelty and sexism. This issue was brought to light by Constitutional Lawyer Jon Apted during a panel discussion focused on overcoming obstacles to female participation in local government elections.

Apted noted that individuals frequently discover their personal images shared on social media, often on platforms like Chat Fiji, where trolls post damaging content without regard for privacy. He shared examples of intimate photos and unfounded accusations of infidelity that are circulated online.

This troubling trend, Apted argued, creates a substantial deterrent for women considering involvement in political and public spheres. He highlighted the existence of legislation designed to hold individuals accountable for their online conduct.

However, he lamented the lack of funding and manpower for the Online Safety Commission, which has led to inadequate public awareness about appropriate online behavior.

Apted emphasized the need for greater investment in these areas, stating that addressing these issues is crucial for empowering women to engage more confidently in public life.

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