Fiji’s Roads Authority: A $13.4 Billion Asset Surprise!

The Fiji Roads Authority (FRA) reported that its assets are valued at $13.4 billion, according to its 2020-2021 annual report presented to Parliament recently. The FRA’s assets encompass all roads, bridges, and jetties throughout Fiji.

The report details that this valuation includes the land on which these assets are situated, along with related infrastructure such as drainage systems, street lighting, traffic signals, and other street amenities. Additionally, the FRA considers its buildings, vehicles, and operational equipment as part of its asset portfolio, all of which are managed and maintained under the same standards.

The FRA’s total asset worth of over $13.4 billion positions the road and maritime network as Fiji’s most significant built asset. Established in 2012, the FRA began its operations on January 1, 2013, with the aim of effectively managing and developing Fiji’s road infrastructure.

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