Fiji’s President Calls for Unity in Education at National Conference

President Ratu Williame Katonivere of Fiji highlighted the essential need for increased collaboration and unity in the education sector during his address at the 90th Annual Fijian Teachers Association (FTA) conference held at the Suva Civic Center.

In alignment with the conference’s theme, “Butu Mawe Solesolevaki kei na Cavuisausau” (following footsteps, collaborating, and attaining excellence), President Katonivere underscored the importance of sustaining core principles, embracing change, and fostering collaboration.

He acknowledged the critical contributions of both past and present educators in Fiji, who have enhanced the educational landscape and inspired students to strive for greater heights.

“In today’s world, where youth face numerous social challenges, including peer pressure, drug abuse, and cyberbullying, it is vital for parents and teachers to exchange insights and strategies on effective disciplinary practices,” he stated.

President Katonivere also noted that, in response to the evolving demands of education, reforms and programs that form the foundation of Fiji’s educational system are continuously being updated.

The teaching profession is set to see further progress with the implementation of the Coalition Government’s National Development Plan. He urged all educators to actively participate in strengthening the nation, following the guidance of the Sustainable Development Goals, particularly Goal Four, which focuses on education, and to remain committed to achieving national priorities.

The President extended his congratulations to educators who also assume the roles of mothers and guardians, fostering their children in supportive and structured environments.

“I was raised in a disciplined setting. I learned to respect my elders, value time, and adhere to moral choices without seeking recognition. My mother’s strict rules significantly shaped my leadership style and my role as the leader of our country,” he reflected.

In conclusion, President Katonivere emphasized the indispensable role of education as a catalyst for significant change that supports the sustainability and advancement of Vanua—our land, communities, and families. He reiterated that the quality of both formal and informal education plays a crucial role in instilling kindness and compassion in our youth.

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