Fiji’s Path to Reconciliation: Are We Ready to Face the Past?

Opposition Leader Inia Seruiratu emphasizes the necessity of an open dialogue regarding the events surrounding the coups of 1987, 2000, and 2006 before any amendments to the 2013 Constitution can take place. He insists that understanding the circumstances and the individuals responsible for these significant events is crucial for Fiji’s progress.

Seruiratu argues that such discussions are essential for establishing transparency and fostering reconciliation, which in turn would help eliminate the root causes of previous issues. He highlights that a recent presentation by Professor Anthony James Regan from the Australian National University at Fiji National University sparked considerable interest in revisiting the 2013 Constitution.

The Opposition Leader notes that Professor Regan’s insights were echoed in Parliament by fellow Opposition Member Viliame Naupoto, who also called for a constitutional review. Seruiratu stresses that an updated constitution should strengthen the principle of popular sovereignty, meaning the people should have a greater voice in their governance.

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