Fiji’s Path to Healing: A Call to Move Forward

Ratu Viliame Seruvakula, the chairman of the Great Council of Chiefs, has commended the Head of State, the Government, and the Commander of the Republic of Fiji Military Forces (RFMF) for guiding the nation out of the fallout from the coup. He highlighted that the recent pardoning of individuals involved in the coup era reflects a meaningful and constructive reconciliation process.

“I believe it is essential for us to move forward from this point,” stated Mr. Seruvakula. He emphasized that the actions taken by the Government and the RFMF deserve recognition. He praised the President for endorsing the Ministry of Justice’s recommendations for the pardons and acknowledged the Commander for facilitating the reconciliation efforts.

Concerns have been raised regarding the RFMF’s potential reactions, but Mr. Seruvakula pointed out that only the Commander and the RFMF members can truly provide insight into those feelings. Drawing on his extensive experience as a soldier, Ratu Viliame noted that it would be unusual for anyone in the military to harbor resentment, as soldiers are trained to manage their emotions effectively.

“Soldiers undergo specialized training that involves compartmentalizing their feelings. Holding onto sadness could jeopardize one’s life during missions,” he explained. He stated that those who have served time in prison would likely emerge as changed individuals and wished them well as they reintegrate into society.

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