Fiji’s Ocean Agenda: Will It Make Waves at COP29?

Although the ocean is crucial for the survival of many Pacific island nations, it has not been officially included in the agenda for the Conference of Parties (COP). Dr. Sivendra Michael, the Permanent Secretary for Environment, expressed optimism about incorporating ocean-related topics into other areas of negotiation at the upcoming World Climate Conference.

Dr. Michael noted, “There are several agenda items at COP, and the ocean has never been listed as a standalone item. Our approach has always been to weave the issue of oceans into various negotiation tracks.” He emphasized that adapting to the new forms and impacts of climate change necessitates a reevaluation of how ocean and marine resources are utilized, aiming to incorporate this cross-cutting issue into negotiations, even if it is not initially a standalone agenda item.

He stressed the importance of highlighting the ocean’s critical role in climate systems and global environmental sustainability. “We aim to establish and clearly define our positions as a Pacific region so that during these meetings, we can engage in genuine and meaningful discussions with our negotiation partners. We also want to ensure these positions are reflected in the official texts,” Dr. Michael concluded.

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