Fiji’s New Battle: Is Pornography the Latest Drug Crisis?

Fiji’s Women, Children, and Social Protection Minister, Lynda Tabuya, has declared that pornography is emerging as a significant issue in the country, likening its effects on the brain to those of drugs like methamphetamine and cocaine. She emphasized the necessity of addressing this “new drug” alongside current initiatives targeting drug abuse.

In response to the growing concerns surrounding pornography, Tabuya announced that the Cabinet has approved the establishment of a dedicated task force aimed at examining the detrimental impact of pornography. She noted that despite its harmful effects, pornography remains easily accessible online.

The task force will be co-chaired by the Ministry of Women, Children, and Social Protection in conjunction with the Ministry of Communications, which will oversee the task force’s portal. Tabuya pointed out that political commitment is crucial, citing examples of other countries that have successfully banned pornography by blocking access on the internet.

With the introduction of Starlink, a satellite internet service, and the upcoming visit of Elon Musk, Tabuya believes that this is an opportunity to educate the population on responsible social media and internet use. She highlighted that applications like Telegram are being misused by young individuals to share explicit images, an issue of concern, especially when parental consent is absent, making it a potential crime.

The Pornography Taskforce will also focus on the overall usage of the internet in Fiji. Tabuya proposed the implementation of a national campaign to promote awareness about responsible internet usage as the nation becomes increasingly interconnected.

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