Fiji’s National Development Plan: A Blueprint for Progress and Prosperity

Fiji’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Trade, Manoa Kamikamica, announced that the National Development Plan (NDP) for 2025-2029 aims to enhance economic growth and prosperity for both current and future generations. He stated that the plan will act as a catalyst for change, enabling all citizens to contribute to and benefit from the nation’s progress, irrespective of their backgrounds.

During the launch of the NDP in Suva, Kamikamica highlighted the government’s vision of “Empowering the People of Fiji through Unity,” which resonates deeply with the country’s national aspirations. He noted that the plan aims to create a sense of shared purpose and ensure that every citizen has the opportunity to engage in nation-building.

The formulation of the plan has been a careful process of identifying key foundational pillars that will drive Fiji’s development forward. These pillars include:

1. **Economic Resilience** – Fostering a diversified economy through innovation, research, and technology to withstand future economic shocks.
2. **People Empowerment** – Addressing development gaps to ensure all Fijians have access to essential services and can actively participate in nation-building.
3. **Good Governance** – Promoting accountability, transparency, and adherence to the rule of law to uphold democratic values.

The NDP is designed to align with several global and regional commitments, including the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Framework Convention on Climate Change. It positions Fiji to play a leadership role in the Pacific as a hub for commerce and trade.

Kamikamica stressed that while the National Development Plan will serve as a blueprint for the country’s next phase of development, its success hinges on the active participation of all Fijians.

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