Illustration of 2024 – 2025 National Budget | Ministry to assess claims

Fiji’s Ministry of Employment to Oversee Workers’ Compensation and Student Injury Claims in Budget Revisions for 2024-2025

The Accident Compensation Commission, Fiji (ACCF), will hand over its tasks related to workers compensation and student injury to the Ministry of Employment. This change was announced by Finance Minister Professor Prasad during the unveiling of the 2024-2025 National Budget, and aims to boost efficiency, synergy and cost-effectiveness.

The shift in operations began on June 1 of this year, with the Ministry of Employment now in charge of assessing compensation for workplace injuries. Over 1200 injury files are being transitioned to the ministry, with government prioritizing a swift resolution of these claims.

The current 0.4% from the 1% NTPC levy previously reserved for workers compensation will be moved to the Government consolidated fund, along with any remaining balance from the levy. The transferred funds will be used for managing the claims. The budget for the coming year has also reserved $6 million for compensations.

Moving forward, the ACCF will solely focus on dealing with no-fault motor vehicle accidents. Further reviews of both the ACCF and the NTPC levy are planned in the wake of this transition.

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