Fiji’s Military Chief Declares 2022 a Turning Point for Reconciliation

Major-General Ro Jone Kalouniwai, the Commander of the Republic of Fiji Military Forces (RFMF), has stated that the year 2022 marked a significant opportunity for the military to embark on a journey of reconciliation. During his appearance on The Lens @177, Ro Kalouniwai acknowledged that the desire for reconciliation had always existed.

He emphasized that previous conditions had not been conducive to progress but noted that 2022 provided a suitable environment for initiating this important process. “We set the tone to honor the rule of law and ensure that elections were conducted appropriately,” he explained. This shift created a foundation for addressing past grievances and reintegrating soldiers who had previously distanced themselves from the RFMF.

Kalouniwai reflected on the need for reconciliation, particularly regarding the mistakes made during the mutiny, recognizing that both parties had contributed to the conflict. He highlighted ongoing efforts to connect with members of the Counter Revolutionary Warfare (CRW) unit involved in the mutiny, stating that reconciliation initiatives were underway, including trauma healing teams focusing on soldiers and their families.

He underlined the impact of the conflict on the families of affected soldiers, particularly those who faced long periods of separation and loss. “It is crucial to reconcile not only among soldiers but also to support their families,” he stated.

Additionally, Ro Kalouniwai addressed the importance of including all members of the RFMF community, including semi-active personnel and reservists, in the reconciliation process. “A soldier is always a soldier until he dies, and it’s vital that we reintegrate them into the broader RFMF,” he concluded.

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