Fiji’s Military and the Quest for Political Stability: What Lies Ahead?

Unity Fiji party leader Savenaca Narube emphasized the necessity of clearly defining the role of the military to achieve long-term political stability in Fiji. His comments followed remarks from the commander of the Republic of Fiji Military Forces (RFMF), Major General Ro Jone Kalouniwai, who stated that the military has an important contribution to make.

Narube expressed gratitude to the commander for his openness, calling it a significant step toward transparency that had previously been lacking within the military. He noted that Kalouniwai’s insights highlighted critical issues that prior military leaders failed to address.

Since the 1987 coup, Narube indicated that the military has played a pivotal role in Fiji’s governance, societal dynamics, and economic conditions. He argued that defining the military’s appropriate function is essential for restoring both political stability and economic prosperity in the country.

Former Prime Minister Mahendra Chaudhry also weighed in, pointing out that while the military promotes peace internationally, it has lost the trust of the Fijian populace due to its involvement in three coups that disrupted democratically elected governments. He cited the military’s inaction during the 2000 coup against his government as a factor that diminished credibility and trust, particularly among Indo-Fijians, who suffered greatly during past coups.

Chaudhry noted that a reconciliatory approach with the Indo-Fijian community presents a significant challenge for Commander Kalouniwai. He wished him well in those efforts and highlighted the need to confront complex historical issues to determine the military’s future role constructively.

He reinforced the idea that the military’s function in a healthy democracy should be clearly delineated and pointed towards learning from the experiences of other countries that have undergone similar political transformations. Chaudhry expressed optimism that Fiji could find a role for the military that aligns with the interests of all citizens, the government, and military personnel alike.

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