Illustration of Chaudhry questions PS retreat costs

Fiji’s Leaders Under Fire for Lavish Retreat Amidst Rising Costs

The Fiji Labour Party has urged the Public Service Commission to reveal the expenses incurred during the recent two-day retreat for Permanent Secretaries at the Pearl South Resort. In their statement, the FLP responded to PSC Chairperson Luke Rokovada’s defense of the Prime Minister hosting a thank-you party for Cabinet ministers at the Grand Pacific Hotel in Suva while Permanent Secretaries attended the luxury resort retreat.

Rokovada deemed the FLP’s comments as ‘ill-advised and irresponsible.’ In response, former Prime Minister Mahendra Chaudhry criticized the government’s actions, stating that it demonstrates insensitivity for both Permanent Secretaries and Cabinet ministers to hold extravagant parties and retreats amidst the rising cost of living affecting citizens.

Chaudhry raised concerns about who is actually being irresponsible and questioned why government events could not be conducted in more cost-effective venues within Suva, such as the University of the South Pacific or Fiji National University, to avoid the expenses of luxury accommodations and travel.

He further asserted that Rokovada’s justification referencing the previous Fiji First government’s similar actions does not excuse the current behavior, emphasizing that two wrongs do not make a right. Chaudhry highlighted that in light of the financial crisis the government is facing, which relies heavily on substantial budget support from donor nations, such expenditures on entertainment appear reckless. He criticized the government for enforcing austerity measures on the public while simultaneously granting substantial increases to parliamentary salaries and allowances and hosting lavish gatherings.

Chaudhry concluded by urging the Coalition government to set a more positive example and to show greater empathy for the struggles of everyday citizens.

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