Fiji’s Leaders Rally for Kava Moderation: A New Dawn?

The Methodist Church of Fiji has advocated for a reduction in excessive kava consumption and for ministers to refrain from smoking cigarettes, garnering support from notable figures, including Turaga na Tui Suva Ratu Sanaila Madanavosa.

Ratu Sanaila, a delegate from the Suvavou division, emphasized that such changes would significantly influence the future of the nation. “I support the president’s call because if we want Fiji to thrive, it has to start with us, men,” he stated. He urged men to spend less time drinking yaqona and focus on their families, highlighting that their actions have lasting effects on their children, who often mimic their behavior.

He shared his personal practice of limiting his kava intake to just two or three bowls, stressing the importance of preparing for the next day to be productive. “Some people tend to do the opposite; they drink from dusk till dawn and sleep throughout the day, and the cycle repeats,” he remarked. Ratu Sanaila reiterated the need to limit excessive kava consumption for the betterment of Fiji and its people.

Various ministers and dignitaries have aligned with the call made by president Semisi Turagavou. Rev Viliame Fatiaki, Superintendent for the Rotuma Methodist Division, highlighted the necessity for ministers to fulfill their responsibilities and maintain their standards of service.

“The MCIF believes that free will was given to men to decide, and that’s why we don’t enforce regulations and laws. It all depends on our judgment, good judgment, but it has to start with us leaders and set an example for the members.” He also mentioned that discussions surrounding this issue had taken place, which would help pave the way for future ministers to adhere to these discussions and restore the lost image of Christ within the Methodist Church of Fiji.

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