Fiji’s HIV Surge: A Call to Action or a Wake-Up Alarm?

Opposition parliamentarian Jone Usamate has described the rise in HIV cases in Fiji as “shocking” and a critical issue that requires immediate attention.

New figures from the Health Ministry show that there have been 522 new HIV cases reported this year, representing a 33 percent increase compared to 2023, with 85 of these cases linked to injectable drug use.

Mr. Usamate pointed out that the sharing of needles among drug users poses a significant risk of spreading HIV, particularly among the younger population, who are the most affected.

He emphasized the need for a proactive approach to engage young people in constructive activities to prevent them from being lured into drug use and risky sexual behaviors that can lead to HIV transmission.

Recent reports indicate that many youths are moving from substances like suki to marijuana and eventually to harder drugs, raising concerns about a potential escalation of addiction.

Mr. Usamate suggested that other countries have implemented Syringe Services programs to provide access to clean needles and facilitate the safe disposal of used syringes. He raised the question of whether Fiji should consider adopting this strategy, although he noted that there could be concerns about it being perceived as endorsing drug use.

He called for proactive measures to be taken by the government, community organizations, religious groups, families, and schools, instead of simply reacting to the crisis.

Mr. Usamate urged the government to establish taskforces comprising various ministries, civil society organizations, and religious institutions to effectively tackle the issue.

He also highlighted the need for increased investment in awareness campaigns through mainstream and social media to educate families about the risks and support them in addressing these challenges at home.

Mr. Usamate concluded by affirming the necessity for a collective effort from the nation to combat this growing public health threat.

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