Fiji’s First Upcycling Hub: A Dream In The Making

Fiji is set to witness a surge in upcycling initiatives, led by the award-winning entrepreneur Tikosaya Ledua. She is determined to establish Fiji’s first, and potentially the region’s first, upcycling hub. Ledua clinched the Emerging Entrepreneur of the Year Award at the 2023 FDB National SME Awards in Suva, signaling significant strides in her business.

As the founder and principal artist of Ledua’s Arts Collection, she specializes in creating art and household products from recycled materials. Ledua views her recent accolade as a stepping stone towards her goal of launching an upcycling hub that focuses on engaging women and educating them about upcycling practices.

She credits her success to various factors, including her faith, participation in MSME training and workshops, the distinctiveness of her products, and the support of her husband, who helps turn her concepts into reality. “There is a huge, untapped market for upcycling, and we intend to seize that opportunity,” Ledua stated.

The proposed upcycling center will benefit from a partnership with the Ministry of Women, aimed at connecting government initiatives with community efforts to support rural women. Ledua is also part of the Fiji Enterprise Engine program, which helps MSMEs expand their business knowledge. She encourages women and female entrepreneurs not to be discouraged in their pursuits.

“As you strive for success, facing challenges is part of the journey. It’s crucial to persevere through difficulties and continue to pursue your passions, positively impacting your community,” she added.

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