Fiji’s First Child Wellbeing Centre: A New Hope for Young Lives

The government is working on establishing Fiji’s inaugural Child Wellbeing Centre. Minister for Women, Children, and Social Protection, Lynda Tabuya, indicated that this initiative has received support from the government budget.

The centre will feature a clinical aspect focused on rehabilitating children struggling with drug addiction. Ms. Tabuya emphasized the importance of reintegrating these children back into their communities and families. She noted that many young people turn to the streets when their families can no longer provide the necessary support, often feeling like a danger to their relatives due to their drug-related behavior.

The plan for the Child Wellbeing Centre is to help these children off the streets, provided there is family consent, and to facilitate their rehabilitation and reintroduction into family life. The rehabilitation program will last for one year.

Ms. Tabuya expressed gratitude towards Inspire Pacific, an NGO that has been assisting in the rehabilitation of juvenile offenders. She also acknowledged that drug abuse poses a challenge not just in Fiji, but globally.

Fiji has been identified as a transit point for drugs, with Ms. Tabuya highlighting that the illicit substances available in the market are unaffordable for the country. Fiji serves as a conduit for larger, developed nations nearby.

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