Fiji’s Corruption Watchdog in Controversial Shuffle: What’s Behind the Appointment?

The recent appointment of Barbara Malimali as the Commissioner of the Fiji Independent Commission Against Corruption (FICAC) has sparked criticism from Senior Opposition MP Jone Usamate, who described the move as fundamentally inappropriate.

Usamate expressed his support for women’s leadership in significant roles but raised concerns about the integrity of the appointment process. He highlighted that principles of transparency and accountability appear to have been overlooked, calling into question the adherence to good governance standards.

He stated, “When the Constitutional Offices Commission (COC) makes appointments, it relies on an independent team to carefully review applications to select the best candidates. Did the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) engage such a team for this hiring process?”

Usamate emphasized the JSC’s responsibility to uphold public confidence in independent institutions, even at the expense of their interests. While acknowledging that Malimali had been noted as a qualified candidate, evidenced by Acting Chief Justice Salesi Temo’s remarks about her high score, he still called for scrutiny.

He questioned whether the Office of the President performed due diligence to ascertain Malimali’s appropriateness for the role, especially given that she has been under investigation. Usamate argued that this situation should have led the JSC and the President’s Office to postpone her appointment.

Additionally, he sought clarification on whether the COC confirmed Malimali’s resignation from her previous role as chair of the Electoral Commission and urged that the public deserves answers regarding the decision to prevent formal charges against Biman Prasad.

“This represents a serious abuse of office, and an independent investigation, potentially led by the Police, must be conducted immediately,” Usamate asserted.

He concluded by reiterating the importance of good governance as the foundation for a strong and effective government. Referring to recent comments made by the Minister of Justice on investigations of Cabinet Ministers, Usamate criticized the implication that some individuals are above accountability, invoking George Orwell’s famous line about inequality.

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