Fiji’s Corruption Commissioner Appointment Under Fire: What Went Wrong?

Concerns and skepticism surround the recent appointment of Barbara Malimali as the Commissioner of the Fiji Independent Commission Against Corruption (FICAC), according to Savenaca Narube, leader of Unity Fiji and former governor of the Reserve Bank of Fiji.

Narube questioned the urgency of the appointment, stating, “The basic question that I am asking the Judicial Services Commission (JSC) is why the hurry. The value of doing things properly far outweighs the benefits, if any, of rushing the appointment.” He emphasized the importance of trust in FICAC, which he believes has declined since its inception, suggesting that the wait for a more thorough process would be beneficial.

He raised several unanswered questions directed at the JSC, including whether due diligence was conducted on Malimali and other applicants for the commissioner’s position. Furthermore, he questioned if the JSC was aware that FICAC was investigating Malimali and why it would appoint her to lead an agency investigating her. Narube also highlighted possible conflicts of interest, noting that the Attorney-General was one of Malimali’s referees.

For the last 18 years, Narube stated that corruption has continued to be a significant issue in Fiji. He called upon decision-makers to recognize the gravity of the situation, expressing the public’s frustration with leaders who lack integrity.

“The stakes are very high in this case. The people are simply fed up with the lack of integrity of the very leaders that were entrusted to protect us,” Narube declared, urging the JSC to demonstrate its commitment to integrity and make decisions in the best interests of the people.

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