Fiji’s Controversial Call for Death Penalty: A Solution or Step Backward?

Minister for Women, Children, and Social Protection, Lynda Tabuya, has ignited debate by calling for the death penalty for drug traffickers in Fiji. While addressing the public at her ministry’s headquarters, Ms. Tabuya articulated that Fiji’s status as a transit hub for illegal drugs necessitates severe penalties to deter such criminal activities.

Her comments have not gone without opposition. Ms. Tabuya highlighted Fiji’s increasing vulnerability due to its position near larger drug markets, stating, “We’re a transit point for bigger developed countries. What do we do to protect our borders and our people from these harmful drugs?” She cited Singapore’s strict laws, which include the death penalty for significant drug trafficking, advocating for similar measures in Fiji to enhance border security and combat drug lords.

In response to Ms. Tabuya’s proposal, Minister for Home Affairs and Immigration, Pio Tikoduadua, promoted a more compassionate and comprehensive strategy to tackle drug trafficking. He stressed the significance of modernizing the police force and bolstering international cooperation. Mr. Tikoduadua expressed that such an approach would be more effective, focusing on structural improvements and resource enhancement to produce sustainable outcomes. He cautioned that implementing the death penalty might distract from addressing the root causes of drug trafficking.

Human rights advocates have also spoken against the death penalty. Dr. Shaista Shameem, the former Director of the Fiji Human Rights Commission, criticized it as a cruel punishment that eliminates the possibility of rehabilitation for offenders. She referenced Fiji’s 1979 abolition of the death penalty for treason, noting that the decision had broad support from parliamentarians and religious organizations, who believed it was not a solution for any crime.

Additionally, the Fiji Law Society highlighted that the death penalty is not recognized in the Constitution and warned that any efforts to reinstate it would encounter significant legal challenges. The death penalty was fully abolished in Fiji in 2015, and the 2013 Constitution explicitly prohibits its application. Furthermore, Fiji’s ratification of the United Nations Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (UNCAT) in 2015 complicates any potential reintroduction, as it enforces a global ban on such practices, emphasizing Fiji’s dedication to these humane principles through improved training for security personnel.

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