Fiji’s Constitution Under Review: What Changes are Coming?

The review of the 2013 Constitution is set to proceed, as announced in the 2025-2029 National Development Plan (NDP) released by Deputy Prime Minister Manoa Kamikamica.

The NDP emphasizes the importance of enhancing the regulatory and legal frameworks and improving collaboration among law and order agencies to ensure the safety, security, and well-being of all Fijians. Key actions outlined in the plan include:

– Reviewing the 2013 Constitution of the Republic of Fiji.
– Promoting the rule of law at both regional and international levels while ensuring equal access to justice for all citizens.
– Examining all legislation pertaining to law enforcement agencies to enhance transparency and efficiency.
– Ensuring the separation and independence of the three branches of government: the Legislature, Executive, and Judiciary.
– Strengthening the capacity and expertise within the Office of the Attorney-General, including its legislative drafting division, the Law Reform Commission, and the Fiji Intellectual Property Office.
– Eliminating unfair discrimination and addressing arbitrary misuse of broad discretionary powers under the law.
– Implementing safeguards against the abuse of such discretionary powers and removing restrictions on judicial review of decisions made by Ministers and public officials.
– Revising all constitutional procedures to seek amendments that ensure the independence of key institutions, including judicial commissions, the Fijian Elections Office, the Reserve Bank of Fiji, and other fiduciary entities.
– Implementing the Fiji Protective Security Framework to protect institutions.
– Enhancing coordination among security and rehabilitation agencies.
– Ensuring public access to information and safeguarding fundamental freedoms in line with national laws and international accords, while allocating sufficient human resources to institutions.

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