Fiji's Civil Service Recruitment: A Fair Chance for All?

Fiji’s Civil Service Recruitment: A Fair Chance for All?

Former civil servants in Fiji who lost their jobs due to the previous administration’s “no jab, no job” policy will not be automatically reinstated, as confirmed by Acting Permanent Secretary for the Civil Service, Samuela Moce. He clarified that these individuals are eligible to reapply for government positions, but must compete against all other applicants.

Mr. Moce explained that ministries have been instructed not to reinstate former civil servants who were terminated for non-compliance with the vaccination policy and highlighted that applications from these individuals will be assessed as per standard recruitment protocols. “The positions vacated by unvaccinated officers have been advertised and filled,” he stated, emphasizing the need for a fair and balanced recruitment process.

When inquired about the number of the 320 affected civil servants who have successfully returned to work following the amendment to the Health and Safety at Work Regulations, Mr. Moce indicated that the ministry requires additional time to gather and verify accurate data. “We request that you give us two weeks to get through to all the ministries and collect the necessary information,” he remarked.

Furthermore, Mr. Moce noted that no preferential treatment will be extended to those reapplying for their past roles. He emphasized the importance of equal opportunity for all applicants, which is reflective of the government’s commitment to inclusivity in the hiring process.

This initiative follows Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka’s previous announcements regarding the challenges faced by the civil service during the pandemic, and the compassionate approach the government aims to take towards those affected—signifying a commitment to rebuilding trust and stability within the public service framework. The Fijian administration has also been focused on addressing staffing shortages caused by the high turnover rates observed in governmental roles, further aligning with recent strategic measures aimed at increasing overall job satisfaction and retention.

As the Fijian government undertakes this carefully considered approach, it signifies a hopeful transition towards a fairer and more supportive employment landscape for all civil servants, reinforcing the notion that stability and inclusivity are key to a robust public service.


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