Fiji's Bold Move: Strengthening Trade Ties with Australia

Fiji’s Bold Move: Strengthening Trade Ties with Australia

Three companies from Fiji recently engaged with Australian buyers and industry leaders during a strategic visit to Australia, aimed at exploring new opportunities for trade and collaboration. This visit was organized through a partnership involving Investment Fiji, the Pacific Trade Invest Australia, the Fiji Consulate General, and the Trade Commission for Australia and New Zealand.

The delegation, which included the Agro-Marketing Authority (AMA), Fruit Core, and Road King Farms, started their journey by participating in the Fiji Trade Expo held at the High Commission in Canberra. The event attracted around 150 attendees, comprising local businesses and members of the Fijian diaspora, providing an essential platform for the companies to promote their products.

Investment Fiji reported that the delegation also conducted visits to six Pacific and Asian grocery stores and held targeted business meetings across Canberra and Sydney. Investment Fiji’s CEO, Kamal Chetty, emphasized the importance of these store visits for exporters to understand market expectations and consumer trends. He highlighted that direct interactions with storeowners provided invaluable insights into the competitive landscape faced by Fijian products abroad.

Atish Prasad, director of Road King Farms, noted the importance of recognizing the challenges importers encounter and emphasized the need for Fijian exporters to maintain high-quality standards to bolster Fiji’s brand reputation internationally. Visibility of Fijian products, including those from Food Processors Fiji, FMF, PAFCO, Road King Farms, and Southern Cross Food Pte Limited, in Australian stores underscores the increasing demand for Fijian goods in the market.

The current efforts to strengthen the economic relationship with Australia aligns well with previous initiatives promoting bilateral trade. The Australian Capital Territory Government has previously emphasized the significance of opportunities for collaboration in various sectors, enhancing the potential for mutual growth.

As Fiji continues to engage strategically with international markets, this recent visit marks a hopeful trajectory for Fijian exporters in enhancing their global presence and economic resilience, reinforcing its commitment to fostering trade relationships that can lead to mutual benefits for both Fiji and Australia.


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