Illustration of FijiFirst de-registered, given 14 days to appeal

FijiFirst Party De-Registered Under Political Parties Act After Failure to Amend Constitution

The FijiFirst Party has been immediately de-registered under Section 12(4) of the Political Parties Act 2013. Earlier in May, the party was asked to modify its Constitution to incorporate provisions in line with Schedule 2 of the Act, with a deadline set for 4pm on Friday. However, as the party failed to make the necessary changes, the Registrar of Political Parties, Ana Mataiciwa, announced its immediate de-registration under the Act.

As per Section 20(1) of the Act, following this de-registration, no one is allowed to call a meeting of party members or officers, attend a meeting as a member or officer of the party, publish a notice or advertisement related to a party meeting, invite support for the party, make or accept any contribution or loan to party funds, or give a guarantee for such funds.

Mataiciwa stated that any individual who is displeased with the de-registration can appeal to the Electoral Commission of Fiji within 14 days from the date of the decision. If there are no appeals after this two-week period, the Registrar will begin the process of winding up the party as per Section 28(1) of the Act. The party’s 26 members of Parliament and the Speaker of Parliament have been informed about the decision.

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