Illustration of ‘We could not do anything to save FijiFirst’

FijiFirst Abandoned with Claims of Opposition MPs’ Powerless to Save Party

Mosese Bulitavu, an opposition MP, has stated that he and his colleagues were unable to prevent the downfall of FijiFirst. According to Bulitavu, opposition MPs did not possess the authority required to summon meetings for discussion. He claimed that individuals designated for organizing such meetings had already left the party some weeks before its deregistration. Bulitavu also highlighted the resignation of office bearers, who, instead of amending the party’s constitution as suggested by Elections Supervisor Ana Mataiciwa, opted to leave. He pointed out that these office bearers were the sole entities with access to the party’s registered members’ list. Bulitavu expressed his sympathy for the party’s supporters who implored the MPs to revive FijiFirst, lamenting their inability due to lack of power in doing so.

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