Fijians Urged to Shape Future of Elections through Participation

Fijians are being urged to participate in the 2024 Voter Perception Survey initiated by the Fijian Elections Office (FEO). The launch event took place at Novotel Suva Lami Bay, where Supervisor of Elections Ana Mataiciwa highlighted the importance of this project in understanding the needs and expectations of the public within a changing electoral environment.

Mataiciwa emphasized that the success of electoral initiatives relies on both the FEO’s internal capabilities and the active involvement of stakeholders. She stated, “Through these partnerships, we can ensure that our electoral processes are inclusive, transparent, and efficient.” The survey aims to gather feedback from Fijians domestically and from the diaspora, allowing the FEO to gain insights into public perceptions and areas for improvement.

Electoral Commission Chairwoman Barbara Malimali underscored that the survey represents more than just a routine task; it is an essential tool for transformative change. She noted that the data collected would serve as a foundation for informed decision-making shaping the future of elections in Fiji. Malimali remarked, “In any democracy, the voice of the people is the ultimate authority,” and stressed that this initiative would help assess the health of the electoral system while ensuring elections accurately reflect the will of the Fijian people.

The survey is expected to be conducted until October.

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