Fijians Assured: Safety Guaranteed Despite Controversial Pardons

The recent release of George Speight, the leader of the 2000 coup, and Shane Stevens, former leader of the Counter Revolutionary Warfare Unit (CRW), has sparked mixed reactions among the Fijian public. Minister for Home Affairs Pio Tikoduadua sought to assuage concerns during a statement last night, emphasizing that the safety and security of citizens remain a top priority.

Speight and Stevens were released from prison following a presidential pardon after serving over 20 years. While some members of the community have welcomed their freedom, others are reminded of the painful events from 2000.

Minister Tikoduadua reassured the public, stating, “Their safety and security is assured. It is not dependent on George Speight or whoever.” He highlighted the progress made since the tumultuous year of 2000, noting ongoing efforts towards reconciliation among key institutions.

Acknowledging that political sentiments may vary, he said, “People will not be happy, but I can assure everyone that there is nothing to be concerned about. We recognize that people will have different opinions and we respect that too.”

The minister explained that the process for mercy aligns with legal provisions under the 2013 Constitution, allowing convicted individuals to apply for relief. He mentioned that the independent Mercy Commission evaluated the men’s applications thoroughly.

Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka echoed Tikoduadua’s sentiments, reassuring the public: “You are very safe. You have nothing to worry about from Speight nor Mr. Stevens.”

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