Fiji Weightlifting Team Gears Up for December Challenge!

The Fiji weightlifting team is set to embark on intensive preparations for their upcoming competition in December, according to coach Henry Elder. After competing in the 2024 Commonwealth Weightlifting Championships last week, where they earned several medals across different categories, the team is now focused on their next challenge.

Elder has already formulated a plan to enhance the team’s performance, which includes addressing weaker areas while bolstering their strengths. He emphasized the importance of reflection in progress, stating, “I’ve already gone back to the drawing board over this.”

This week, the coaching staff has begun identifying specific points for improvement, both individually and as a collective unit. Elder highlighted the necessity of fostering a culture of reflection within the team, explaining, “It’s important to do our reflections post-competition because we see the fruits and the failings, and from there we can properly evaluate and make things better.”

He believes that ongoing self-evaluation is crucial for advancing to higher levels of performance. “Reflections are a way in which I know I have improved myself, and it’s all for these kids here,” he remarked.

Elder praised the young lifters who represent a significant portion of the team, expressing his gratitude for their progress. “I’m very excited about the achievements of our young athletes; juniors and youths are the future of the sport,” he stated. He also thanked God for the impressive results achieved by these talented athletes, emphasizing that their success stems from a collaborative team effort.

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