Fiji Unveils Groundbreaking Foreign Policy White Paper 2024

Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka unveiled Fiji’s inaugural Foreign Policy White Paper 2024 yesterday, marking a significant milestone in the development of the country’s foreign services.

During the launch, Rabuka emphasized that this document outlines Fiji’s foreign policy priorities and sets the governmental direction for international relations over the next decade. He asserted that the Foreign Policy represents the government’s commitment to affirm Fiji’s role in the global arena and to foster a secure and prosperous future for all Fijians.

Rabuka pointed out that this policy addresses the intricate foreign policy challenges faced by the nation and serves as a clear declaration of Fiji’s stance in the world. He reiterated Fiji’s designation as a central hub in the Pacific and stressed that the foundation of this policy is a comprehensive approach that unifies domestic and international policies, recognizing that the nation’s security and prosperity directly rely on a pragmatic understanding of its interests and values.

Additionally, the Prime Minister indicated that this Foreign Policy aligns with Fiji’s National Development Plan and the proposed strategy in response to the National Security and Defence Review, aiming to further the country’s strategic and economic objectives while bolstering social cohesion.

“The three interconnected pillars of Fiji’s foreign policy are sovereignty, security, and prosperity,” he stated.

Rabuka expressed gratitude to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for leading a collaborative government effort to gather input from various ministries and external entities. He concluded by asserting that Fiji’s Foreign Policy White Paper is more than just a document; it is a roadmap that aims to guarantee a safe, prosperous, and globally respected future for upcoming generations.

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