Illustration of Suva anticipates bright days ahead for rugby

“Fiji Rugby Union Adopts New Structure, Futuristic Approach to Enable Reinstatement in World Rugby Council”

The Suva Rugby Union, long regarded as a major critic of the Fiji Rugby Union, foresees a promising future after the approval of a new structure over the weekend. The Fiji Rugby Union, its member unions, and representatives from World Rugby convened at the Novotel Suva Lami Bay Hotel on Saturday for a special general meeting, marking a key progression in Fiji’s pursuit for reinstatement into the World Rugby Council.

SRU secretary Nemani Tuifagalele affirmed that the structure catered to modern demands as the game continues to evolve. He commented, “In this day and age, it is crucial to have a structure that includes trustees, the commercial and operational arms, and this is accurately reflected in the structure.”

SRU, however, did express reservations about the newly formed Fiji Rugby Union Pte Ltd, assigned the task of overseeing critical operations at Rugby House. Despite initial concerns, SRU agreed with the formation of the management company, understanding its importance to meet World Rugby’s standards.

Tuifagalele also noted their openness to make amendments to the document over the forthcoming two months, if necessary. He expressed his optimism for the future of Fiji Rugby, stating, “Our motivation is right; we want the best for Fiji Rugby. This is the beginning of positive times ahead and I believe things will turn out the way we hope.”

Other topics discussed during the SGM included the one union, one vote policy, and the trustees’ deed document.

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