Fiji Reflects: Honoring History and Moving Forward

The lead story in The Fiji Times for September 11 highlights comments made by Republic of Fiji Military Forces Commander Major General Ro Jone Kalouniwai, who has received commendations from significant political figures, including former Prime Minister Mahendra Chaudhry and Savenaca Narube of the Unity Fiji Party. Chaudhry acknowledged Maj-Gen Kalouniwai’s attempts to make reparations for past military actions, emphasizing the challenge of reconciling with affected groups, especially within the Indo-Fijian community. Narube pointed out that political stability in Fiji hinges on clearly defining the military’s role.

In another featured article, Damend Gounder, Managing Director of Yatule Resort and Spa, underscored the essential support from various stakeholders in fostering an environment conducive to local businesses. This statement was made during the opening of the newly refurbished Yatule Resort and Spa in Natadola, Sigatoka, which has undergone a $5 million renovation.

Additionally, a picture on the front page showcases the launch of new flight simulators by Fiji Airways. The airline announced an expansion of its Aviation Academy, introducing two advanced CAE 7000XR full flight simulators designed for the Airbus A350 and ATR-72, along with two CAE 500XR Fixed Training Devices for the Airbus A330 and Boeing 737-Max 8.

In a reflective piece, the article commemorates the tragic events of September 11, 2001. It discusses how significant global events, including the COVID-19 pandemic, shape our collective memory and emotional responses. The piece calls attention to the lasting impact of the September 11 attacks on New York City, where nearly 3,000 lives were lost when the Twin Towers collapsed. Memorials at Ground Zero serve as poignant reminders of the horror and fear experienced that day, urging a commitment to stand against terrorism, advocate for justice, and foster compassion in society. The piece concludes with an affirmation of resilience and a call for peace on Earth.

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