Illustration of Govt Number Plates Used to Peddle Illicit Drugs

Fiji Police Uncover Drug Peddlers Using Government Plates; Counter Narcotics Strategy 2023-2028 Launched

A new development in the illegal drug trade was recently revealed by the Fiji Police Force. According to reports, vehicles bearing government number plates, both original and counterfeit, are being utilized for drug transportation.

The police disclosed this alarming trend was detected during regular traffic checkpoints. These checks, where vehicle documentation is verified, also function as an opportunity to educate drivers about safe driving and crime trends. The Police Force sees this as part of their everyday duty and extends beyond the recent revelations of drug trafficking.

In their ongoing battle against drug trade, the police have called upon the public’s assistance, emphasizing the shared responsibility in combating drug-related issues.

Last week, the government announced the National Counter Narcotics Strategy for 2023 to 2028. The strategy aims to eliminate illicit drug trafficking, which has become a significant concern for Fiji’s security, driven by several factors.

Recently, the Cabinet authorized the establishment of a Narcotics Bureau to address the country’s illicit drug problems. Finance Minister Biman Prasad revealed that $2 million had been allocated in the 2024-2025 National Budget to set up the bureau under the Ministry of Home Affairs. The Narcotics Bureau will focus on law enforcement, investigations, intelligence gathering, prosecution, and conducting awareness with other key agencies.

Additionally, the Counter Narcotics Strategy 2023-2028 has identified seven strategic areas of focus including: demand reduction, supply reduction, harm reduction, legal reform, data collection, establishment of a Drug Court, and partnerships with international cooperation.

The police allotment in the budget has also increased by $43.1 million to $226.8 million. Mr. Prasad revealed plans to introduce a drug rehabilitation center to aid individuals affected by drugs. To facilitate the center’s establishment, a tax holiday of 13 years and duty-free importation of necessary capital goods have been granted. Businesses that contribute to any drug rehabilitation center will also receive a full tax deduction.

To implement these centers, the government is investigating various avenues in collaboration with non-governmental organizations.

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