Illustration of Govt Number Plates Used to Peddle Illicit Drugs

Fiji Police Reveal Government Number Plates Used in Drug Trade Amidst Increased Efforts to Combat Narcotics

A new technique in the illegal drug trade has been discovered, with the Fiji Police Force revealing that Government car plates are being utilized for the distribution of illicit substances. Unidentified drug dealers have been found utilizing authentic and counterfeit Government number plates as a means to transport drugs. These discoveries were made during routine traffic stops, part of everyday police duties.

The police department asks for public assistance in combating this issue, stating it requires the input of all societal sectors.

The Government recently launched the National Counter Narcotics Strategy for 2023-2028 aiming to thwart illicit drug trafficking, a significant challenge to Fiji’s security. A Narcotics Bureau has also been established to delve into the drug issue further. The bureau will focus on law enforcement, investigations, prosecution, intelligence gathering, and conducting awareness alongside key agencies.

The Ministry of Home Affairs launched the Counter Narcotics Strategy 2023-2028 with seven strategic focus areas. A drug rehabilitation center will also be introduced soon with incentives to foster donations towards such establishments.

The government has allocated an increased budget towards police, with $226.8 million earmarked, a rise of $43.1 million from the previous fiscal year’s allocation. This increase signifies the escalating concern and commitment to combating drug-related issues affecting society.

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