Fiji Police to Tackle Substance Abuse with New Drug Testing Policy

Fiji Police on the Brink of Major Drug Testing Overhaul

The Fiji Police Force is actively working on a new drug testing policy aimed at addressing rising concerns over substance abuse within its ranks. Commissioner Rusiate Tudravu shared that while drug testing requirements currently apply to recruits, plans are underway to extend testing to all active officers.

To support this initiative, there is a strong push for updating the police act, which would empower law enforcement to conduct drug testing among their colleagues. Commissioner Tudravu commented on the ongoing efforts, stating, “We are working diligently on our police act review, and meanwhile, we are creating a policy that addresses the pressing issues regarding drug use within the Fiji police force.”

The need for such a policy has become increasingly urgent, particularly in light of recent incidents involving illegal drug activities among police officers. In response, Acting Commissioner Juki Fong Chew previously announced intentions to potentially shift from random drug screenings to mandatory drug testing for all personnel, including civilian staff.

These developments are part of broader strategies aimed at restoring public trust and demonstrating a commitment to transparency and accountability within the police force. Commissioner Chew highlighted proactive measures, such as police leadership participating in drug tests to serve as a strong example of their commitment to integrity.

The collaborative effort between Commissioner Tudravu and Commissioner Chew is indicative of a sincere endeavor to rebuild public confidence in the police force amidst concerns regarding drug-related misconduct. Currently, the policy is being finalized in partnership with the Solicitor General’s Office and aims to integrate best practices from international law enforcement agencies.

Overall, these measures are intended not only to cultivate a drug-free environment within the police force but also to reinforce the relationship between law enforcement and the community, ultimately contributing to a safer society for all. The steps being taken signal a hopeful and determined pathway towards enhancing professionalism and integrity within the Fiji Police Force.


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