Illustration of FNPF members thrilled by payout

Fiji National Provident Fund Members Celebrate Record Interest Payout, Boosting Trust in Retirement Investments

Fiji National Provident Fund (FNPF) members in Fiji had a reason to celebrate when their accounts received a significant increase due to a record interest payout over the weekend.

Following the 8% interest credited to their accounts on Sunday, some members expressed their excitement and confidence in FNPF’s ability to continue generating sustainable returns in the future.

One member expressed surprise and satisfaction with the interest payout, seeing it as a sure sign that FNPF’s investments were yielding results. They expected to enjoy these benefits in the future as long as the investments were managed in a transparent manner.

While some members wished to have their credited interest transferred to their bank accounts, they understood that saving for retirement requires a long-term commitment. Their wish for financial security and the best returns on their investments seems to be realized with the continuous positive performance observed over the years, increasing trust and confidence in FNPF.

This payout was seen as a recovery payment by some, following multiple withdrawals caused by the COVID pandemic. Even the newcomers to the job market, Adrian, Sarah, and Jack were glad about their albeit small benefit which reassured them of their future financial security.

For the financial year ending on June 30, 2024, $561.5 million was credited to the accounts of 417,722 members. Viliame Vodonaivalu, the FNPF Chief Executive, reiterated their unwavering commitment to enhance the financial prosperity of their members. He emphasized the significance of retirement savings for their members and their tireless efforts in ensuring the best returns for future growth.

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