Fiji MP Slams National Budget: A Runaway Bulldozer

Opposition Member of Parliament, Ketan Lal, has described the 2024-2025 National Budget as a “runaway bulldozer” that jeopardizes Fiji’s economic stability and future.

During the Budget debate in Parliament, Lal claimed that Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Finance, Professor Biman Prasad, is mismanaging the economy.

Lal argued that the Budget reflects the Government’s fear of facing the realities and needs of the Fijian people, calling it a betrayal of trust and a gross neglect of duty.

“The Budget is not just flawed; it highlights their failures and inability to lead our country wisely. The Government has put political games and incompetence above responsible financial management,” Lal stated.

He criticized the Budget for disregarding the voices and needs of the Fijian people, noting that there was nearly no contribution from the general population of Fiji.

The Independent MP further accused the Government of being disconnected from the realities on the ground. Lal said Prof. Prasad failed to engage with people, and many Fijians are deeply dissatisfied with his performance.

Lal also highlighted that the Budget failed to address the high cost of living and further burdened Fijians with an increased 15 percent VAT.

“I urge the Prime Minister to reconsider his stance on the 15 percent VAT. Reverting these taxes would ease the burden on countless families,” he said.

He warned that maintaining these high taxes would have a devastating ripple effect on consumers, leading to higher prices for goods and services and making it more difficult for the average Fijian to make ends meet.

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