Fiji Mourns a Soccer Legend: The Hero’s Farewell

Soccer officials and fans gathered to honor former Fiji captain Josaia Tubuna with a national hero’s funeral in Ba. The August 6, 1984 edition of The Fiji Times featured a photo of Tubuna’s wife, Rebeka, and their five-year-old son, Manasa.

Tubuna tragically lost his life in a road accident near Ba just two days prior when the van he was in collided with a fully loaded parked cane truck. Two of his teammates, Inia Bola and Semi Tabaiwalu, sustained serious injuries but were reported to be in satisfactory condition at Lautoka Hospital. Bola regained consciousness on August 5 after being unconscious since the incident.

Dr. Michael Oldmeadow, a physician at the hospital, noted that while both Bola and Tabaiwalu were no longer in critical condition, they would remain hospitalized for some time. The specifics of their injuries were not disclosed until their families were informed.

The driver of the van, Solomone Ukitu, stated he did not see the cane truck until it was too late. Ukitu, 23, explained that he and the players had hired the van to travel from Tavua to Ba around midnight. Tubuna, who was seated by the window, and Bola were asleep at the time of the accident. Ukitu mentioned that the van collided with the truck after he attempted to avoid a crash but was unable to swerve in time.

Witnesses, including farmers at a roadside shop, helped to rescue the injured from the wreckage. A relative of the van’s owner transported the group to the hospital.

The Fiji Football Association (FFA) anticipated that Tubuna’s funeral would be one of the largest ever for the sport. FFA President Hari Pal Singh was expected to lead a delegation to the service, which was projected to draw around 7,000 people at the Ba stadium.

Former national coach Sashi Singh remarked on Tubuna’s dual reputation as a fierce competitor on the field and a respected friend off it. Representatives from various regions, including Suva, Rewa, Lautoka, and Nadi, were expected to participate in the guard of honor.

The funeral procession began at Lautoka Hospital and traveled to Tubuna’s family home in Field 40 before proceeding to Ba Stadium. Family members continued on to Naidrodro for Catholic funeral rites before his casket was placed in the stadium for viewing.

During the service, condolences were offered by Ba Mayor Kishor Govind, FFA President Hari Pal Singh, and Ba manager Vinod Patel. The funeral cortège departed for Naidrodro Cemetery after the ceremony, where final prayers and traditional customs were performed.

The Ba Soccer Association covered much of the funeral expenses, with the FFA providing the casket. Additionally, a trust fund was established for Tubuna’s young son Manasa and for another child expected by Rebeka Tubuna, with contributions from the community in Ba.

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