Fiji Ministers Assure Public: No Cause for Concern Over Speight’s Release

The recent release of George Speight, head of the 2000 coup, and former leader of the Counter Revolutionary Warfare Unit, Shane Stevens, should not cause alarm among Fijians, according to Minister for Home Affairs Pio Tikoduadua.

Their release from prison came after more than 20 years through a presidential pardon, sparking a range of public reactions. While some have welcomed their newfound freedom, others have expressed concerns about the impact of the 2000 events.

Minister Tikoduadua emphasized the commitment to the safety and security of Fijians. “As Minister for Home Affairs, I assure the Fijian public that their safety and security is guaranteed, independent of George Speight or anyone else,” he stated.

He noted the progress made since 2000, mentioning initiatives aimed at reconciliation within key institutions. “There will always be politics, and while some may be dissatisfied, I assure everyone that there is no reason for concern. We acknowledge differing opinions and respect them,” he added.

Tokoduadua explained that the mercy process is enshrined in law under the 2013 Constitution, which allows convicted individuals to apply for such consideration. He confirmed that the independent Mercy Commission assessed the cases of Speight and Stevens, following proper procedures.

Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka echoed the Minister’s reassurances, stating, “You are very safe. You have nothing to worry about from Speight or Mr. Stevens.”

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