Fiji Military Chief Dismisses Coup Training Claims

Fiji’s military commander, Major-General Ro Jone Kalouniwai, has stated that officers of the Republic of Fiji Military Forces (RFMF) do not receive training on how to execute coups during their overseas educational programs. His comments were made during an interview on The Lens @177.

When questioned about the possibility of officers being taught coup tactics while abroad, Kalouniwai firmly rejected the idea, emphasizing that their training takes place in democratic nations where such topics are not covered. He reiterated that officers are primarily focused on issues of security and defense relevant to the current conditions in the country.

Kalouniwai highlighted the significance of understanding the evolving global security landscape, while denouncing coups as illegal actions that should never occur. He recalled the three coups Fiji has experienced and pointed out that they have only led to negative consequences for the nation.

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