Fiji Methodist Church Faces Tough Decision on LGBTQ Relationship

The Methodist Church in Fiji and Rotuma has yet to reach a conclusion regarding its association with a partner church that endorses LGBTQ clergy and same-sex marriage. A church community from Nevada, USA, has formally requested that the Methodist Church end its ties with the United Methodist Church (UMC).

Reverend Sekove Veisa, part of the delegation that visited Fiji earlier this year, expressed optimism about achieving a different outcome in the following year. He noted that in May, the UMC convened again and revisited the topic of same-sex marriage, which resulted in a consensus agreement.

Following this unanimous decision, numerous congregations have separated from the UMC. Veisa emphasized the desire to completely detach from the UMC and align with the Methodist Church in Fiji conference. He pointed out a significant hurdle: the existing bilateral agreement between the Methodist Church in Fiji and the UMC, which he noted was established prior to the approval of same-sex marriage.

Veisa raised the question of whether a review of this agreement would be considered now that same-sex marriage has been sanctioned. He expressed satisfaction with the recent acknowledgment of this issue by the church president during their conversation.

The church’s current position involves a desire to sever ties with the UMC in America due to its acceptance of same-sex marriage. This matter is set to be evaluated, with potential outcomes anticipated in the next year.

Jolame Lasawa, the general secretary of the Methodist Church in Fiji, confirmed that the church is aware of the concerns brought forth by the American delegation but emphasized the necessity for caution, given the initial agreement with the UMC.

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