Fiji Methodist Church Faces Dilemma Over LGBTQ Ties

The Methodist Church in Fiji and Rotuma has yet to determine its stance on its relationship with a partner church that endorses LGBTQ clergy and same-sex marriage. A congregation from Nevada, USA, formally requested that the Methodist Church sever ties with the United Methodist Church (UMC).

Reverend Sekove Veisa, part of the delegation that visited Fiji this year, expressed optimism about a favorable outcome in the coming year. He noted that during a meeting in May, same-sex marriage remained a key agenda item, and a consensus was reached once more. He mentioned that numerous congregations have split from the UMC following this unanimous decision and that their goal is to fully detach from the UMC and align with the Methodist Church of Fiji conference instead.

Veisa identified a challenge posed by a bilateral agreement the Methodist Church in Fiji (MCIF) had established with the UMC prior to the approval of same-sex marriage. The delegation has questioned whether there will be a review of this agreement now that same-sex marriage has received approval.

Despite the complexities, Veisa conveyed satisfaction that the church president expressed support when asked about the church’s current position. The aim of the American delegation is to have the MCIF also cut ties with the UMC due to its endorsement of same-sex marriage, and they are awaiting a review of this matter, with results expected next year.

Jolame Lasawa, general secretary of the MCIF, acknowledged the concerns raised by the American delegation but emphasized the need for caution in light of the original agreement with the UMC.

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