Fiji Methodist Church Faces Critical Decision on LGBTQ Relations

The Methodist Church in Fiji and Rotuma is yet to determine its relationship with a partner church that endorses LGBTQ clergy and same-sex marriage. A congregation from Nevada, USA, has formally requested that the Methodist Church sever its ties with the United Methodist Church (UMC).

Reverend Sekove Veisa, a member of the delegation that visited Fiji this year, expressed hope for a favorable outcome next year. He noted, “In May this year, there was another meeting by the UMC focused on the topic of same-sex marriage, and once again, it was agreed upon.” He added that many individuals have separated from the UMC following this unanimous decision.

Veisa emphasized the desire to completely dissociate from the UMC and align with the Fiji conference of the Methodist Church. He mentioned a challenge related to a bilateral agreement between the Methodist Church in Fiji and the UMC, which was established before the approval of same-sex marriage.

“We raised concerns about this agreement and asked if it would be reviewed now that same-sex marriage has been approved,” he explained. He expressed satisfaction that the church president recognized the issue when questioned about the church’s position.

“We aim to cut ties with the UMC in America, and we request that the Methodist Church in Fiji also sever relations due to the UMC’s approval of same-sex marriage. This matter will be under review, and we expect to see results next year.”

MCIF general secretary, Jolame Lasawa, confirmed that the church has acknowledged the American delegation’s concerns but emphasized the need to proceed cautiously due to the existing agreement with the UMC.

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