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Illustration of Gauging emission | Fiji undertakes measurement of livestock greenhouse gases

Fiji Leads Pacific in Innovative Livestock Emissions Measurement

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Fiji has embarked on a groundbreaking initiative to measure methane emissions from livestock, making it a pioneer in the Pacific region. This project aims to gather and develop a comprehensive data inventory system, an essential step for securing climate financing in the future.

Funded by the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR), this initiative is designed to enhance Fiji’s greenhouse gas inventories and integrate livestock emissions reduction into the country’s Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) commitments. The project is being led by Riverine Plains Inc, an Australian farming systems group, in collaboration with the Fijian government, aiming to co-develop a Tier 2 measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) system for livestock emissions as part of Fiji’s Low Emission Development Strategy.

Dr. Natalie Doran-Browne, a leader in the project, explained that a locally adapted method has been established to assess these emissions. The innovative sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) tracer technique is being employed, which involves placing a permeation tube in a cow’s rumen to release SF6 gas. This gas is then measured alongside methane emitted from the cow’s nostrils and collected in a canister for analysis. Dr. Doran-Browne noted that this technique enables the accurate determination of emission rates from cows, marking a significant advancement in the project’s data collection efforts.

ACIAR’s Research General Manager, Dr. James Quilty, highlighted that this project presents a valuable opportunity for on-the-ground collaboration with local partners to enhance inventory systems and improve MRV practices. Supporting this effort, Dr. Andrew Tukana, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture and Waterways, emphasized the initiative’s importance in helping Fiji achieve its net zero emissions goal. He stated that developing an accurate national inventory is a priority for Fiji as part of its commitment to the Initiative for Climate Action Transparency (ICAT) and is vital for securing climate finance.

The project represents a collaboration between several entities, including Riverine Plains, Koronivia Research Station, the Ministry of Environment, the University of the South Pacific (USP), and Fiji National University (FNU), all working together to collect, analyze, and interpret data that will benefit Fiji’s environmental objectives.

This initiative is a positive step toward environmental sustainability, reflecting Fiji’s commitment to addressing climate change while fostering collaboration and scientific advancement in the region. With dedicated efforts like this, Fiji is making strides not only in improving its agricultural practices but also in contributing to global climate goals.


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