Illustration of Chaudhry Calls for Minimum Wage Review Report

Fiji Labour Party Urges Government to Reveal Minimum Wage Review Report Findings

The Fiji Labour Party (FLP) is urging the government to make public the report of the review committee on Minimum Wage. FLP leader, Mahendra Chaudhry, emphasized the need for transparency and accountability, particularly due to the controversy over the new $4.50 minimum rate.

The review was conducted over seven weeks by four local scholars, who were enlisted by the Ministry of Employment in April. The team, led by Professor Anand Chand of Fiji National University, included Dr Janesh Sami, Dr Jone Lako, and Dr Maureen Fatiaki Karan, all from the University of the South Pacific (USP).

In his National Budget Address, Finance Minister Biman Prasad noted the $5 minimum wage was set following the review but didn’t disclose the report’s findings and recommendations. Chaudhry is requesting that the report details, including the consultants’ compensation, be shared considering its payment was shouldered by taxpayers.

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