Illustration of Chaudhry Calls for Minimum Wage Review Report

Fiji Labour Party Demands Government Transparency on Minimum Wage Report Findings

The Fiji Labour Party (FLP) is challenging the government to publicize the findings of the review committee on Minimum Wage. The party’s leader, Mahendra Chaudhry, argued that this is a matter of transparency and public interest.

Back in April, the Ministry of Employment commissioned four academics from local institutions to conduct an independent review over seven weeks. This team was led by Professor Anand Chand from the Fiji National University, accompanied by Dr. Janesh Sami, Dr. Jone Lako, and Dr. Maureen Fatiaki Karan, all from the University of the South Pacific (USP).

Despite claims by Finance Minister Biman Prasad during his National Budget Address that the new $5 minimum wage was set after a comprehensive review and consultations, the government has yet to reveal the report’s conclusions and recommendations. Mr. Chaudhry insists that the report should be public knowledge.

Chaudhry also voiced concerns about the ongoing dispute over the recently enacted $4.50 minimum rate, and expressed the need for clarity on the methodology, factors, and research used in determining this rate. Additionally, he called on Labour Minister Agni Deo to reveal the cost of the consultants’ seven-week engagement, emphasizing the importance of accountability and transparency.

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