Fiji Kicks Off Pinktober to Promote Breast Cancer Awareness

Hundreds gathered to kick off Pinktober, a month dedicated to raising awareness about breast cancer and sharing the stories of women who have survived the disease.

A PinkWalk took place early this morning at Albert Park, simultaneously in Namaka Nadi and at Katonivere Ground in Labasa.

Belinda Chan, CEO of the Fiji Cancer Society, stated that the organization is striving for a Cancer-free Fiji and will increase awareness efforts nationwide.

“This morning we launched our Pinktober activities with our PinkWalk here in Albert Park. This marks the beginning of our journey towards a Cancer-Free Fiji, and we are grateful to everyone who joined us, not only in Suva but also in Nadi and Labasa,” Chan said.

The Fiji Cancer Society has supported over 772 new patients and conducted more than 7,528 awareness campaigns from January last year to June this year.

“We need to offer support to cancer patients, and we are looking forward to many exciting events throughout October. I know it all begins after Fiji Day,” she added.

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