Fiji Flight Searches: Japan Surges, Australia Holds Steady

Japan is currently surpassing the United States in flight searches to Fiji, according to Tourism Fiji. Additionally, India has emerged as one of the two countries experiencing a rise in flight inquiries.

While traditional partners such as Australia and New Zealand maintain the top spots for flight searches to Fiji, Brent Hill, the CEO of Tourism Fiji, emphasized the value of core countries using the Tourism Fiji website for flight searches. He noted that Japan’s increasing interest in Fiji is encouraging, as more Japanese tourists are actively searching for flights and activities in the destination.

Hill also indicated that occupancy rates remain strong, with July expected to be a solid month. Forward bookings suggest a positive outlook. He pointed out that Australia, New Zealand, and the U.S. are Fiji’s three largest markets.

Although a dip in searches from New Zealand has been anticipated due to various economic challenges, the overall figures from the country remain stable. Recent data indicates a 1.9 percent increase in flight searches from Australia and a 0.6 percent increase from India, while searches from New Zealand and Japan have declined by 1.2 percent and 0.4 percent, respectively.

Regarding accommodation, Fiji recorded an average occupancy rate of 86 percent in July, with forward bookings showing an average of 79 percent for August and 66 percent for October. The leading countries searching for accommodation are Australia (35 percent), New Zealand (31 percent), and the United States (9.6 percent). However, there has been a decrease in accommodation searches from Canada (1.0 percent) and New Zealand (0.9 percent).

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