Fiji Faces Rising Suicide Rates: A Call for Change

The Ministry of Health has disclosed that from 2016 to 2021, there were a total of 1,276 cases of suicide and attempted suicide in Fiji, averaging 213 cases annually, with approximately half resulting in death. The peak year for such incidents was 2019, which saw 244 cases recorded. Throughout the six-year span, the Western Division consistently reported the highest number of cases each year.

Dr. Atonio Lalabalavu, the Minister responsible for Health and Medical Services, emphasized the importance of changing the conversation around suicide by transforming perceptions of this multifaceted issue. He advocates for moving away from a culture of silence and stigma towards one that fosters openness, understanding, and support.

Dr. Lalabalavu highlighted a call to action that encourages discussions on suicide and its prevention. He pointed out that the World Health Organisation’s Comprehensive Mental Health Action Plan (2013-2030) emphasizes that suicide is the second leading cause of death among individuals aged 15 to 29 worldwide.

He further noted that each suicide carries significant emotional, social, and economic repercussions, deeply affecting families, communities, and nations.

In observance of World Suicide Prevention Day, the Ministry of Health will host a candlelight vigil tonight at 6 pm at Ratu Sukuna Park.

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