Fiji and Yunnan: A Partnership for Progress?

Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka has shown a strong interest in collaborating with China’s Yunnan Province across various sectors, including education, agriculture, infrastructure development, and tourism. This statement was made during his official state visit to China, where he engaged with Yunnan Province governor Wang Yubo.

Prime Minister Rabuka praised Yunnan for its exemplary resilience and commitment to economic growth and improving community living standards. He noted that Fiji could greatly benefit from Yunnan’s experience as it is one of China’s rapidly advancing provinces.

During their discussions, Mr. Rabuka emphasized the significance of strengthening people-to-people connections, exploring socioeconomic opportunities, and enhancing political relations. He highlighted the shared principles between Fiji and China, which include respect for sovereignty, non-aggression, non-interference in domestic matters, equality, mutual benefits, and peaceful coexistence.

In his response, Governor Yubo expressed Yunnan’s readiness to boost cooperation in areas such as trade and investment, cultural exchanges, poverty alleviation initiatives, anti-narcotics strategies, and higher education.

Additionally, Prime Minister Rabuka visited Ping’anpo and Nanyou villages in Malipo County, Yunnan Province, where he observed ongoing poverty alleviation and rural revitalization programs. He affirmed that Fiji could leverage China’s technological innovations and sustainable practices to enhance livelihoods, ensure food security, boost productivity, and diversify its economy.

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